The Friends of South Whatcom Library are looking for folks who love books and enjoy engaging with others for a good cause to serve on our Board of Directors. The Friends of South Whatcom Library is a non-profit organization composed of volunteers from across the Geneva, Glenhaven, and Sudden Valley communities. We love the South Whatcom Library and all it has to offer our communities. We support the library by raising awareness of library services, providing volunteer support for library events and activities, and by raising funds to support some of the library’s special needs. We have a nine-member board who oversees our mission and vision. Board members may also choose to serve on various committees or sub-committees to support our ongoing work. Members of the board are elected to a two-year term. Board elections take place in September. If you have an interest, please contact us via our website at, or by submitting a written note to Friends of South Whatcom Library at 8 Barn View Dr, Bellingham, WA 98229. We’d love to hear from you!